Our ideas for your future
With the introduction of new generation technologies, the population will be provided with wireless high-speed Internet service.
Taking into account the phone and internet demand in the areas of telephones not partially telephoned in Absheron and Sumgayit Telecommunication Interchanges, a project for the provision of fixed telephony and Internet services has been launched and implemented with the introduction of 4G LTE (Long Term Evolution - Long Term Development) technology.
It should be noted that LTE technology has such advantages as high-speed data transfer and provision of telephony services with restricted infrastructure infrastructures.
LTE base stations are already being built in the relevant areas and are expected to be put into use in the near future.
Initially, the overall network is upgraded, IPTV, GPON, LTE technologies are used.
Nearly 3,000 subscribers will be provided with internet and telephone service after completion of construction works.