Our ideas for your future
Social Media Marketing (SMM) - creating, managing, and promoting accounts in leading social networks.
Introducing various advertising campaigns depending on the budget (promoting pages and channels on Google Adwords, Yandex, and other contextual advertising platforms; developing an advertising campaign for Facebook and Instagram social networks).
Integration work (adding new modules, preparing and adapting texts and other media materials):
- Foursquare (a social network that detects one’s location using a global positioning system (GPS))
- Creating an API key and integrating it with other social networks
- Outlining a list of cultural property (introducing an inventory system)
Creating centralized systems of cultural institutions included in the structure of the Ministry
- Technical support of systems (hosting services, including storage on a particular server, backup speed, protection against cyberattacks);
- Dividing the electronic environment and connecting it to the system in order to add to the catalogs materials that will be placed in the systems;
- Elimination of existing errors and inaccuracies, other issues, if any; testing information and media files;
- Ensuring that results are shown in accordance with standards in order to optimize the system and adjust search robots;
- Adding the necessary information about centralized systems to the base related to the structure of the Ministry (on the official website, in official social networks, etc.).